In this day and age, there really is no excuse not to get the answers to the questions you have. Information is so easily accessible that you can literally become an expert in anything you desire (within reason), so long as you have a genuine desire to learn.

All of what I know today (that makes me money) has been self-taught. As a Webpreneuer, I’ve found that learning the ins and outs of the industry is imperative. Every time new technology is introduced it must be learned and examined. In any industry really, you must stay on top of what is going on TODAY in order to predict what will happen TOMORROW.

That said, I must tell you truthfully that if you won’t even spend a few hours doing research online on how to get started with your endeavors, you certainly won’t spend months or even years actually applying that new found information INTO your business.

You will never stop learning, and rightfully so, you shouldn’t. The joy is in learning and applying after all. With resources available online, you have such an abundance of knowledge at your fingertips that you can become a savant in any topic.

This doesn’t just go for things of business, but anything you have a genuine interest in. If you want to learn how to paint, do it. If you want to learn how to dance, learn it. If you want to learn how to play an instrument, search google for some learning materials and do it. There is no excuse not to.

You don’t have to be a one-trick pony, we are unicorns after all. Over the years I have become fairly versed in graphic design, print, web design/development, UI/UX design, photography, editing, videography, and more. Now I want to learn french – therefore I learn french, because why not?

All things you desire you have to go out and GRAB it – this includes knowledge and skill. So if you want to be a multilingual boss lady who can paint her way into an art gallery and break dance into the club, then do it!

Btw I will be attending the @ecjluxe Phantom Limelight Collection debut with my buddy @rollsroycegang tonight and will post images & videos on my second account @mindingheraffluence – if you want to follow along.

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