The mind truly is a very powerful thing. On a hot summers day of 98-100 degrees with the sun beating down, we find pleasure in swimming in a pool of a cool 78-80 degrees. At the same time, in an air conditioned home of 72-76 degrees, we find pleasure in indulging in a hot shower of 98-105 degrees. (not to mention temperatures in water are experienced more intensely than in air.)

It is not the feeling, the temperature, the touch, the nerves firing, that tell us what is good or bad.

The deciding factor that allows us to cross that thin line between pleasure & discomfort is relative. The factor is our perception; what we decide is acceptable.

To put things in perspective, I for instance have been able to condition myself to enjoy the trapped heat in my car upon entering. (black leather interior in Florida just to get an idea). I did this by quickly closing the door & convincing myself that it’s actually painfully cold outside. Immediately, I stop sweating and my mind bends to the will of my new belief that it’s actually MUCH better in here.

I was able to take my mind to a place where it was indeed SO freezing cold outside that being in a toasty warm car was much more satisfying. The best feeling in the world is being able to tell your body, mind, reality, exactly what you want by realizing it is YOU that controls how you receive it.

This same mind-hack can be applied to your everyday life. Whatever discomfort you may be going through right now in your life can be easily transfigured into an experience of pleasure so long as you allow it.

While working out, tell yourself that the sensations you feel is not pain, tell yourself it feels good. Convince yourself that what you feel is your body becoming what you desire it to be. The transformation is GOOD.

With your business, tell yourself that what you’re experiencing is not difficult, it’s not tough. You enjoy challenges as it has only made you better in the past. The challenge feels GOOD!

When you feel tired at the end of the day, don’t say you are stressed out. Tell yourself you’ve invested your energy into something that will bring you massive returns, and that is GOOD.

