We actually witness each new experience twice – consciously with our senses, then it is replayed mentally in our mind. However, atimes we have the tendency to really want to milk an experience to feel it longer. This is especially true when it comes to matters of the heart, things that make us angry, cry, …
In lacinia enim arcu, at congue lectus interdum a. Nullam nisl tellus.
Dogs can hear a particular pitch that humans cannot – that should be of concern to you. A dress that was indeed black and blue was being perceived as white and gold by 50% of the population – that should shake you to your very core. Our brain has the capability of shutting off sensory …
Curabitur posuere, velit vel suscipit semper, ante lectus commodo massa, eget aliquam velit ante non risus. Quisque nec ex at metus blandit condimentum.
This is a photo of my office wall. I’ve always been drawn to the old hollywood era. In my opinion, it epitomized class & understood the importance of retaining high standards. Women understood that being a Lady was a well respected attribute and aimed to exemplify that in every manner. Men saw being a gentleman …