Motivational Relationships

Be picky about your Clique

And I’m not talking physicality’s here. Those you surround yourself with have a way of completely confusing your vibrational atmosphere. If you desire to manifest a specific type of reality into your life, cohesiveness is key! Just as you wouldn’t wear flip flops with a dress suit, (you shouldn’t!), don’t carry around un-motivated individuals who find …


Be quick to reason, slow to judge

Often times many fall into the trap of bandwagoning onto an opinion simply because it is a popular one. They allow their set of beliefs to be overrun by the loudest person in the room and convince themselves that it is the voice of truth. Common sense is not common at all as most are …


Live so deep in your dreams

A few years back I remember being caught so deep in a lucid dream that I had forgotten how to wakeup. I found myself in such a state of absolute awareness that I had literally disconnected from the “outside” world. I was very much aware that I was in a dream but was able to …

Inspiration and Motivation for the modern Business Woman