It certainly is. Pay no…
April 13, 2015It certainly is. Pay no attention to those who may have already achieved what you want. You too are on your way to great things!
It certainly is. Pay no attention to those who may have already achieved what you want. You too are on your way to great things!
I’ve received this question a few times regarding jealousy and how to deal with it. But, I gotta give it to you straight here.
The ONLY reasons why one would feel jealous toward someone else’s achievements are:
#1 Being too insecure to go after the things they want.
#2 Feeling like they will NEVER have the same type of success as another.
#3 Not doing everything in their power to get where they want to be.
That’s it.
I’m sorry, but it’s the truth. I can’t fluff it around for you. Jealousy is the cousin of excuses that manifests itself in the form of an automatic sentiment.
Think about it, I mean really think about it. If you’ve set a goal for yourself, felt happiness at the thought of achieving that, and started putting in work everyday, you would understand that achieving anything worthwhile takes work. It takes vision, passion, dedication, and discipline. So if it is understood that those same elements were required for someone else to reach their happiness, you would have RESPECT for that person and give them a round of applause.
Everyone has their own individual timeline to get from A to WIN. The speed to get there is determined by your daily drive and work ethic. The length of that timeline is determined by the goal. The goal destination is determined by you. So the quicker YOU figure out what you want, the sooner you can lay out your road map. The more you work, the faster you can get to that destination.
So, when you know you’re doing everything in your power on a DAILY to get to your happily ever after, and TRUST that you WILL get there, there should be no reason to look to your neighbor and be upset that their grass is greener when you haven’t even installed your sprinkler system.
Instead, cheer them on! Their progress should motivate you not make you feel inferior. Inferiority is for those who feel they are on a different level that success does not reach.
We ALL have the same 24 hours.
So one guy made a million in his teens, another did in his 40’s. One figured out what they wanted early on in life, the other took some time. BUT THE GOAL WAS STILL REACHED.
You have every opportunity RIGHT now to get started – no excuses.
Just incase you didn’t already know
It’s difficult to ask for the things that make you happy if you don’t feel you’re awesome enough to receive them.
The moment you begin to see how great you are, the easier it will be for you to aim for the best.
It’s time for a vibrational reboot!
If there are any grudges you’ve been holding, let it go now.
If there are any people in your life that you need to forgive, forgive them now.
If there is anything you might have done that upsets you, drop it now.
Your energy is far too valuable to be put toward focus on things that don’t bring you happiness.
Start your week with a clear mind and clear heart so you can perform your tasks in a positive frame of mind. Let the past be left where it resides.
Your future is depending on your positivity.
It really is as simple as that.