If you haven’t read the…
April 15, 2015If you haven’t read the previous post, I recommend reading the one titled “We Stop at Nothing because nothing stops for us” otherwise this one won’t make sense.
If you were to be pulled from your wind current at this very moment where would you decide to go instead? Out of the path of conformity, away from your 9-5 and away from the people you’re forced to associate with on a day to day. Away from the pressure of your parents or close relatives. Separated from the expectations placed upon you by your peers, away from impressions placed upon you by social norms.
If you were to suddenly be thrown out of the wind current and onto the side of the street, what adventure would you imagine? Where would you decide to go from there after realizing that you have the legs to able to walk wherever you please? Without the wind current pushing you from one destination to the other, what journey would excite you enough to finally use your legs for the first time and start walking?
After being tossed about in the wind for so long, it can be both exciting and scary figuring out where to go on your own. There is no road map, there are no rules. The only thing you are left with is your imagination and your determination. If you’re currently still in this wind current, what would it mean to you to NOT have everything set for you? What roadmap would you set instead?
This is very important because often times I get messages from people saying they want a better life of abundance and happiness but don’t even know what that would mean. You can’t just want something to want it, you have to know where you’re going otherwise you will just be wasting precious time.
Choosing your own destiny means figuring out who you are, what you’re capable of, where you will go, and how you will get there. Simply walking anywhere by CHOICE is better than lying still like a newspaper on the ground or being tossed about in the wind. However, you should have an IDEA of where you’re going. Otherwise during times of adversity where you become lost, you may feel so frightened and regretful having ever started walking that you quickly return to the wind current.