Archive for April, 2015

  • Motivational

    Are you going the right…

    Are you going the right way? Well, then what are you waiting for? Keep a clear mind and set your GPS for WinCity.

    Don’t waste another minute pursuing a path that won’t get you any closer to your happiness. Set your sails for a journey that’s in alignment with your vision.

    Don’t forget to turn on post notifications on my page to be notified of new posts! Also subscribe to the MHB newsletter as I will be sending out another long exclusive post today subscribers only. Visit and submit your info in the form.

  • Motivational

    In light of my most…

    In light of my most recent post, (if you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend it, it’s a good one!) Declare the financial situation that you’d like to be a reality. If you want to be able to pay for more things in bulk, affirm it. Feel that sense of security, what would it FEEL like. What would it feel like to not have to constantly check your account balance to know if you can make a purchase or not?

    Feel that, affirm it, believe it, receive it.

    Speaking of which, don’t forget to follow us women of MHB on @mindingheraffluence, my second account where we bond over nice things.

  • Motivational

    If you truly want to…

    If you truly want to live a life of luxury, don’t fall into the trap of “playing rich” by spending money on things that you don’t have the luxury of spending on.

    The whole point of buying a luxury product is being able to COMFORTABLY afford them without feeling a dent in your bank account. Spending half of your paycheck on an item only to appear like a “Boss babe” actually does more damage than good and delays your growth. You could have invested that money toward REAL wealth by putting it toward your priorities.

    I almost fell into this trap when I first started making more money.

    However, a basic rule of thumb I’ve personally found that works for me is to multiply the cost of any product outside of necessity by 10. If you cannot -comfortably- by 10 of them at any given time, then don’t buy one if it.

    Now, don’t get all pouty in your head when you put it down and say “I can’t afford this”. Simply say “Although I could afford this if I wanted to, I would rather put that money toward something more important” because that is the truth!

    If you truly want to live a REAL life of luxury, deny yourself the “image of luxury” NOW and instead invest into an asset that will keep giving you assets LATER.

    Louboutin heels will still be there a year or two from now when you have the luxury to buy 10 of them one shot, not to mention they’ll be in SEASON. But for now, don’t kid yourself darling.

    Another thing to consider is that the more money you invest back into a business, the less you will owe on taxes. So instead of spending your disposable income on products that are going to depreciate over time, put it toward a business venture that will appreciate.

    My buddy @incometips will tell ya – the struggle is real, but the risk is rewarding. We are currently denying ourselves the simple pleasures in order to provide the masses with the valuable information. The sooner you make the switch, the sooner you claim your rise to success.

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Inspiration and Motivation for the modern Business Woman